
This plugin makes any grid searchable by implementing user interface and search logic. User interface consists of the search field where user types the text to search for and the menu with field names to select where to search for the query.

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Main Features

[wp_eStore_saki_add_to_cart id=9]

Design Goals

I had invented this plugin way back in 2007 when I needed to provide the user with a simple interface for searching larger databases remotely. The plugin should search as-you-type in selected fields.

Later I have added more features based on different user scenarios such as search-on-enter, local search and radio style menu.

For developers, the plugin must be easy to configure, however, advanced configurations must be possible.

Quick Start Guide

  1. Extract the downloaded zip file anywhere in your http server accessible folder
  2. Navigate to http://localhost/where-you-unzipped/saki-grid-search/docs
  3. Follow the instructions in the Getting Started Guide


The package contains two versions:

Known Problems



[wp_eStore_saki_add_to_cart id=9] [su_author_box]

13 Responses

  1. Hi,

    I am sent out questions about your licensing but not got any reply.

    Do I need to pay developer license for your Add-ons every year again? Or it is a single payment?

    Matti Kiviharju

  2. Shortly, good enough for example. There is no or minimal user input checking, the code is not optimized, the code can contain dead (not used anymore) parts, the code may not contain proper error handlers, etc.

    It works, but it is not “production bulletproof”.

  3. Yes, both are included. However, the PHP code is of “example quality”, for production you’ll need to amend it. The example uses SQLite database, that is included.

  4. No, it doesn’t. Many side records are in a 1-side record store and that is not a store field so it is not found by the current logic.

    Also, it may not be feasible to search many-side because they may not be (yet) loaded so local search cannot find them. If it is a remote search then it is more server logic that decides on matching records so server could search also on many-side.

  5. Hi. I’m using the older version of this plugin, and it works great. But I was wondering, can the new version search nested objects? E.g., I have a hasMany relationship – can the children be search as well?

  6. It is only new package, i.e. package is 1.0.2, file is 1.0.0. Packages can, and they do, consist of many files, each of them has its own version. If, for example, a 2.0.0 file does not need any upgrade for 3.0.0 package, it retains 2.0.0.


  7. I am tying to use the plugin within a Sencha Architect project but when launching Architect it tells me that the package could not load due to the architect data missing within the package.json. Is there a work around to this?

  8. We are using a proxy solution with Ext.Direct and the store reloads when searching but nothing gets filtered. Any ideas how to configure it?

    constructor: function() {
    this.proxy = {
    type: ‘direct’,
    paramsAsHash: true,
    api: {
    read: clDocumentCS.getOffers
    reader: {
    type: ‘json’,
    root: ‘resultOffers’


    1. I have same problem and thats why this Add-on for Ext JS not fits to my needs.

      This is very disappointing. Try do something for this ASAP.

      However, I am already paid a license for this.

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