Site restart
I haven’t updated this site for a couple of recent years. Returning visitors were most likely waiting for a new content in vain, new visitors possibly bounced when they saw 90’s design.
Good news for all of you, the waiting time is over. Enjoy the new design and the new content that I will regularly add to the site.
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I have always been very passionate about teaching people how to develop better applications, how to write better code or computers hardware and software in general. That is one of the reasons for the educational part of this site.
I believe you will find it useful to learn the ways, tips and tricks, and practices for writing your applications fast and of high quality.
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Blog continues to be the main information resource with the old popular posts imported. I have imported the original blog posts, categorized and tagged them so they can be easily found if you need.
The original extensions, plugins and examples are still available too.
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Learning by examples has always been my favorite learning method. It is essential to know and understand the theory but when it comes to doing something I consider examples as the invaluable source of knowledge.
How was it done by somebody who knew how to do it? Also, copying and pasting the code fragments from examples and modifying them for the needs of the project can speed-up the development a lot.
That is what examples published here are for: Learn from them how you could or should code something and include them in your project if they do what you need.
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Studying code of the example is fine but if somebody walks me through highlighting the important spots, explaining what is important and what is not is even better. I will include the walkthrough screencasts to new examples that I will progressively add to the collection.
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eBooks (coming soon)
I have no ambition to write a comprehensive book on ExtJS or Sencha Touch applications at present – what does not mean that I never will.
However, I’m going to write eBooks covering interesting or tricky aspects of web application development. Of course, the focus shall be on ExtJS and Touch but some books may cover more general aspects of development.
I currently write the first eBook so stay tuned.
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Webinars (coming soon)
Nothing can beat direct face-to-face lecturing and hands-on training, still, webinar is second to this best. Internet gives us the opportunity to meet when it is difficult or inconvenient to travel and meet personally.
We prepare webinars for all levels of developer experience, from beginners through intermediate to advanced, and we will also listen to your ideas what topics may be interesting for you.
Stay tuned.
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ExtJS and Touch are great libraries that include a plethora of useful classes bundled in their download packages ready for use in applications. Nevertheless, they do not, and cannot, contain all what developers may need.
Add-ons in all their forms fill the space between the core library and the apps. Our goal is to provide professional grade, high quality extensions, plugins, overrides, mixins, features, whatever form an add-on can take.
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Architecture Design
We might think that the architecture is already given and it is only necessary to implement MVC supported by ExtJS and Sencha Touch.
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