The plugin adds a row of configurable form fields below the grid header where the filter values can be typed or selected. As user types the desired values, or on pressing enter, the grid store gets filtered to show only the matching records.
While version 1 of MultiSearch plugin worked in Ext 5, it was actually ported version designed and written for Ext 4. That limited full leverage of new MVVM architecture that allows configuration without initComponent.
Version 2 has been designed from the ground up with Ext 5 in mind. It removes the aforementioned limitations so that the store can be bound to viewmodel. The other configuration patterns such as initComponent or direct config still work.
Furthermore, grid reconfigure
is supported.
Note: These images show version 1.0.0
Many business applications store a huge number of records (thousands, millions) in the server databases what makes it difficult to present them to users. Standard paging grids or infinite scrolling grids do not solve the problem. Users usually want to find one or a few related records to work with.
While core Ext has a filtering plugin, it is somewhat awkward to use as the user needs many clicks to enter a filtering value. Also, the effective values are not directly visible in the filtered grid.
So the main goal was to provide easy-to-use, straightforward user interface with the minimum number of user actions needed to enter and see the filtering values.
For developers, the plugin must be easy to configure, however, advanced configurations must be possible.