ExtJS Grid MultiSearch Plugin

15.00 270.00  excl. VAT

SKU N/A Category

The plugin provides User Interface to store sorters. Store has been able to work with multiple sorters for a while yet grid has no UI to add or remove these sorters. Clicking on a column header removes all store sorters and adds the clicked one.

MultiSort plugin solves this problem by adding new menu items to the column menu. The menu items can then be used to manipulate sorting by individual columns.

Live Demo

Main Features

  • individually add or remove any column to or from sorters
  • All sorters are stateful
  • sorted column title has a small number in brackets to display sorter order
  • MultiSort plugin works in Ext 5 and Ext 6
  • examples for Ext 5, Ext 6


Version 1.0.0 for Ext 5.x24. February 2015

  • Initial release

Version 6.5.0 for Ext 6.x24. March 2018

Product Images

Quick Start Guide

  1. Extract the downloaded zip file anywhere in your http server accessible folder
  2. Navigate to http://localhost/where-you-unzipped/jozok-grid-multisort/docs
  3. Follow the instructions in the Getting Started Guide

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