This plugin finds first tree column in the tree panel or tree grid it is plugged into and implements a custom template that renders tree node icons using glyphs from Font Awesome, or another icon-font. It also understands iconColor field that can be used to set icon colors.
Live Demo
Main Features
- implements icon-font support in trees and treegrids
- uses iconCls field to set the icon glyph
- uses iconColor field to set the icon color
- uses default folder and leaf icons if iconCls is null
- very easy to configure
- fully documented
- tested and workable in Ext 4.2.2, 5.0.1 and 5.1.0
Version 1.1.0 for Ext 5.x – 1. February 2015
- Initial release
Product Images
Note: These images show version 1.0.0
Design Goals
The main goal was simply to implement support for Font Awesome and other icon-fonts and have the possibility to set colors of icons.
Quick Start Guide
- Extract the downloaded zip file anywhere in your HTTP server accessible folder
- Navigate to http://localhost/where-you-unzipped/saki-tree-icon/docs
- Follow the instructions in the Getting Started Guide
Known Problems
[wp_eStore_saki_add_to_cart id=25] [su_author_box]
Yes, if iconCls comes from the server in the response then it is honored and displayed. See the client/server communication of the example above and you’ll see that icon is in the response.
Hi Saki, great pluggin, if we using this plugin, is it posible to configure iconCls from database??