Yet, it is possible.
I’ve recently run into a question: “How would I load more classes in one file?” Of course, my first thought was “Why would you want to? Ext/Touch is not built this way. One class per file is the ideal setup where everything is clean, predictable and understandable.”
But, you know, curious me… First I started to think about technical aspects, “How would I do it if I would want it despite all common sense.” And then, “What could it be useful for?”
Well, the usefulness is really questionable. I might want to load several classes at runtime that I do not want to load initially? Or, I want to check something very fast and I don’t want to generate the whole application? Or, I want to test something and I do not want to pollute the application folder with a number of files that I need to delete afterwards?
So or so, I would definitely not use it as a coding approach. If I ever used it, it would really be only marginally or for testing.
What do you think?
Now technically. How to do it?
I wanted to code model, store and grid all as separate classes with Ext.define()
in one file but that file must be accepted when passed to Ext.require()
or listed in requires:[]
The Solution
[su_content_anon action=”want to see the solution”] [/su_content_anon] [su_content_member] I might happen to you that you never uses the third argument toExt.define()
. It is an optional callback function executed when the after the class is defined.
The idea is that we require a dummy class, a class that we do not need, and we define all classes that we want to define in the callback.
Ext.define('MyApp.Tests',{ requires:[] }, function(){ // model Ext.define('MyApp.Model',{ extend:'Ext.data.Model' ,idProperty:'compID' ,fields:[{ name:'compID' ,type:'int' },{ name:'company' ,type:'string' },{ name:'industry' ,type:'string' },{ name:'price' ,type:'float' }] // eo fields ,proxy:{ type:'ajax' ,url:'https://learnfromsaki.com/api/service.php/company' ,reader:{ type:'json' ,rootProperty:'data' } } // eo proxy }); // store Ext.define('MyApp.Store',{ extend:'Ext.data.Store' ,model:'MyApp.Model' ,autoLoad:true ,pageSize:10 }); // grid Ext.define('MyApp.Grid',{ extend:'Ext.grid.Panel' ,alias:'widget.mygrid' ,requires:['Ext.grid.column.Number'] ,columns:[{ text:'Company' ,dataIndex:'company' ,flex:1 },{ text:'Industry' ,dataIndex:'industry' ,width:200 },{ text:'Price' ,dataIndex:'price' ,xtype:'numbercolumn' }] // eo columns }); }); // eof
Once again! Do not use it!
[/su_content_member]- Ext, Angular, React, and Vue - 27. June 2019
- The Site Resurgence - 11. February 2018
- Configuring ViewModel Hierarchy - 19. June 2015