<<< Mastering Ext.Direct, Part 2
Processing responses
As I’ve already said, you cannot use the return value of an API function call as result is not know at the moment of the call return. It is never stressed enough that
Ext.Direct calls are ASYNCHRONOUS.
Therefore, all Ext.Direct created API functions, for example Example.Car.go()
take one extra argument in addition to arguments you have specified in server-side class definition. That argument is callback function.
In our example, Example.Car.go()
takes one argument, speed
per server side method definition, however, it takes two in fact: Example.Car.go(speed, callback)
Let’s call it with a callback to test it. Type in the Firebug console:
Example.Car.go(80, console.info);
is a function that prints its arguments in a human readable form. We use it as the callback so we see:
- that it really gets called when the response arrives
- which arguments Ext.Direct passes to the callback
As you can see, the callback is called with two arguments:
– it is that what is returned by the server-sideCar.go()
method. It can be string (as in our example), boolean, object, array or void (nothing).e
– it is Ext.Direct.Event object or, being more specific, Ext.Direct.RemotingEvent.
The event e
has some useful properties and methods, most important of them are:
if the call was successful,false
if the call failedresult
contains same value as the first argument – it is server response datatype
in our example but it also can beexception
or othersaction
is the class namemethod
is name of the method calledgetTransaction()
is method to retrieve the transaction used in this server round trip. You would use it if you want more data on the transaction.
Processing exceptions
Let’s call go method again:
Example.Car.go(300, console.info);
The callback is called as before but the arguments differ:
– no data from servere
has typeexception
and has propertymessage
that contains error message text
An example application
That is almost all we need to know to start using Ext.Direct in an application. I’ve written a simple one so you have something to play with.
First, create file example.js
with the following content:
/** * Mastering Ext.Direct example script * * @author Ing. Jozef Sakalos * @copyright (c) 2009, by Ing. Jozef Sakalos * @date 16. September 2009 * @version 1.0 * @revision $Id$ */ Ext.BLANK_IMAGE_URL='ext/resources/images/default/s.gif'; Ext.onReady(function() { /** * This function is called when Ext.Direct request * response arrives from the server. * * @param {String/Object/Array/Null} response * That what is returned by server method * @param {Ext.Direct.RemotingEvent/Ext.Direct.ExceptionEvent} e */ var callback = function(response, e) { // uncomment if you want to inspect arguments in Firebug Console // console.log(response, e); var status = 'Success' var text = ''; // success handling - e.status is success flag: // true is success, false is failure if(true === e.status) { // response argument is same as e.result text = response; } // failure handling else { status = 'Failure' // in the case of an exception, we don't have response but message text = e.message; } // grab the center body var body = win.items.itemAt(1).body; // display the response body.createChild({ tag:'div' ,cls:'response' ,html:status + ': ' + text }); // scroll down body.scrollTo('top', 100000, true); }; // create Ext.Direct test window var win = new Ext.Window({ title:'Mastering Ext.Direct by Saki' ,width:600 ,height:400 ,closable:false ,layout:'border' ,border:false ,items:[{ // west region with buttons region:'west' ,width:160 ,minSize:160 ,split:true ,defaults:{minWidth:120} ,layout:'table' ,bodyStyle:'padding:20px' ,layoutConfig:{columns:1, tableAttrs:{style:{width:'100%'}}} ,items:[{ xtype:'button' ,text:'Car.start()' // a delegate is needed if we want to pass arguments ,handler:Example.Car.start.createDelegate(null, [callback]) },{ xtype:'button' ,text:'Car.go(80)' // a delegate is needed if we want to pass arguments ,handler:Example.Car.go.createDelegate(null, [80, callback]) },{ xtype:'button' ,text:'Car.go(250)' // a delegate is needed if we want to pass arguments ,handler:Example.Car.go.createDelegate(null, [250, callback]) },{ xtype:'button' ,text:'Car.stop()' // a delegate is needed if we want to pass arguments ,handler:Example.Car.stop.createDelegate(null, [callback]) },{ xtype:'button' ,text:'Send All' // another option is inline function that executes calls ,handler:function() { // the following calls will be combined in one request Example.Car.start(callback); Example.Car.go(80, callback); Example.Car.go(250, callback); Example.Car.stop(callback); } }] },{ // responses are displayed here region:'center' ,autoScroll:true ,tbar:['->', { text:'Clear' ,handler:function(){win.items.itemAt(1).body.update('')} }] }] }); win.show(); }); // eof
Then tune your index.php
so that it reads:
Mastering Ext.Direct by Saki .x-table-layout-cell { height:40px; text-align:center; vertical-align:middle; } .x-table-layout-cell table { margin:auto } .response { padding:4px 0 4px 20px; font-size:13px; } Ext.Direct.addProvider(Example.API);
Good! Play with Ext.Direct and let me know what you would like to have in next parts.
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12 Responses
Stumbling upon this eons after it was written and it was still of great help 🙂 Well done, thanks!
Excelent tut, I love it. Really impressive work.
Your tutorial shows very good how it works. One question please:
let’s assume I like to do some request automatically all 30 seconds…How would i go to implement this…?
Many thanks for your answer…
Best wishes
This helped me a lot! Still need to figure out how i’m going to use it for my application though. I have a big app with authentication involved… which was a lot of trouble, and i’m not satisfied with the result, so i hope Ext.Direct will solve that.
Btw, an authentication example with Ext.Direct would be awesome 😉
Thank you Saki, you are one good teacher. Thanks for your time
Great tutorial… I need to do use this with polling instead of remoting. What additional parameters etc do I need to do this?
But Im waiting Part 4. In that part, You write Grid CRUD using ext-direct.
Hi Saki,
I’m trying to make an Ext.Direct call in a class like this :
,generatePHP:function(grid, records, action, groupId){
var table = records[0].get(‘Table’);
CrudBd.generatePHP({Table:table}, this.handleResponse);
,handleResponse:function(provider, response){ //,msg,title){
But it does not go into my handleResponse method … have you got an idea?
thx a lot
Hey Saki!
Thanks a lot for yout great tut! I’m really impressed!
I think, it’s time now to improve our App with Ext.direct!
Great tutorial saki … thanks a lot for your work!
The only thing that’s still missing these days is possibility to enforce a certain directory structure. I know, there’s this tutorial on how to write large apps but in the end it’s still up to the developer where he puts his stuff. Have 3 people sit on the same project and you’ll end up with inconsistencies.
I was thinking if something along the lines of MVC frameworks like RoR or FlexMVC. If you enforce all the layers and logics to be in separate files on the framwork level there’ll be way less confusion.
But perhaps I’m only a messy when it comes to structuring my code 🙂
Yes, you can write static server-side json files and point urls to them. It is often used for demo or example purposes.
sorry, part of the message vanished.
… continued with:
As an example in Mastering Ext.Direct, 3. You gave an example with php-code car.php. Is there a way to interact direct with json files instead of php or java code?
Do appreciate your blog including your Saki’s Ext Example Page very much. Thank you.
Hello Mr. Sakalos,
followed your series, you placed in your blog with big interest.
Is it possible to bring json on top of interaction with the server. (To simulate json from the server json-files could be used instead.)
As an example in