Old ExtJS ArrayTree Extension
This is very simple extension that helps to create trees from static arrays.
It adds configuration property children to Ext.tree.TreePanel that accepts multilevel nested array with the definition of tree nodes.
This is very simple extension that helps to create trees from static arrays.
It adds configuration property children to Ext.tree.TreePanel that accepts multilevel nested array with the definition of tree nodes.
Examples application from my old website. The code of examples was written in/for ExtJS 3.x therefore it won’t work without modifications in Ext 4.x. However, the principles and coding practices can still be very useful.
These are examples, extensions and plugins written for ExtJS version 3.x so you cannot expect that they are going to work in the contemporary version of Ext. Still, coding practices, theory and principles may be valuable.
This post describes how to write an Ext extension using factory functions.
If you modify records of an editable grid with paging and if you then page-out, your changes are lost. This article shows easy implementation of keeping modified records while paging.
You know, I’m not very big fan of factory functions, nevertheless, I’m aware of the fact that they may be necessary in some situations.
We can use an inline function to build items. See how.
See how to defer execution of an inline function.