Old ExtJS RemoteTree Extension
This extension implements basic client-server logic. When user changes the tree (creates a node, renames a node or drags and drops a node, the request is sent to the server to execute, save this change.
This extension implements basic client-server logic. When user changes the tree (creates a node, renames a node or drags and drops a node, the request is sent to the server to execute, save this change.
This plugin scans grid’s store and column model and creates a form, initially hidden, that is suitable for record editing.
The form has simple column layout with configurable number of columns and displays fields with values initially loaded from the underlying record.
This example shows how to use Ext.ux.MetaTabsForm extension. Configuration of tabs and form fields is sent from the server as metaData.
Simple LOV (List Of Values) combo. Individual values are selected in dropdown list and overall value is delimited list of values.
FileTreePanel is client-server application where client (browser) provides the user interface (UI) which displays the tree and context menu, handles drag & drop operations, etc. The filesystem that is displayed and managed by the UI is stored on a server.
This extension implements tree panel with checkboxes that allow selection of individual branches or leafs.
The checked nodes define a “value” of the tree that is returned as list of values separated by a configurable separator.
This is very simple extension that helps to create trees from static arrays.
It adds configuration property children to Ext.tree.TreePanel that accepts multilevel nested array with the definition of tree nodes.
This post describes how to write an Ext extension using factory functions.
In essence, factory functions are class methods that manufacture items or other properties during the instantiation of the class. This article explains pros and cons of factory function and how to use them correctly.
Important If you have not already done so, study Writing a Big Application in Ext (Part 1) and Writing a Big Application in Ext (Part